PETA Leads the Charge: Inside the Global Effort to Take Down Exotic Skins

Animal rights activists virtually the world are participating in a week of action to take lanugo the exotic-skins industry. PETA U.S. and other PETA entities are leading the charge, planning eye-catching events targeting brands—including Hermès, Louis Vuitton, and Gucci—that still peddle cruelly obtained exotic skins.

actvists protest exotic skins at louis vuitton beverly hills

“When will [your company] take seriously its need to evolve to stay relevant by using only sustainable, luxurious vegan materials that don’t involve the torture and slaughter of exotic animals?” That’s the tough question that a PETA U.S. representative asked at Hermès’ yearly meeting. And Louis Vuitton owner LVMH and Gucci owner Kering will squatter that question next as PETA urges the top designers to waif exotic skins from their malleate lineups.

Stateside, activists kicked off the week of whoopee with protests in Beverly Hills, California, targeting Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Prada over their unfurled use of exotic skins.

exotic skins protest at prada beverly hills

take lanugo exotic skins week of whoopee protest

On April 23, increasingly than 100 PETA supporters and other unprepossessing rights activists marched in New York City outside Louis Vuitton and Gucci stores. Protests moreover took place in Bellevue, Washington; Honolulu, Hawaii; Las Vegas; and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

PETA has moreover teamed up with street versifier Praxis on an art wayfarers throughout New York City, near Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Prada stores, with graphic images of animals killed for the companies’ suit and accessories.

© Praxis

Week of Whoopee to Take Lanugo Exotic Skins© Praxis

week of whoopee to end exotic skins praxis stencil

praxis exotic skin stencil

What You Can Do for Animals in the Exotic-Skins Industry

PETA’s exposés of the exotic-skins industry have uncovered animals stuff crammed into filthy pits, hacked apart, and left to die. We have exposed cruelty on reptile farms on three continents (Africa, North America, and Asia) and each time have shown that these intelligent, sensitive animals endure squalid imprisonment and a violent death.

For those who can’t join the week of action’s effort by demonstrating, PETA is supplementing the wayfarers with an zippy online component. No matter where you are, you can quickly well-constructed simple daily deportment for animals using your computer or smartphone. So what are you waiting for?

The post PETA Leads the Charge: Inside the Global Effort to Take Lanugo Exotic Skins appeared first on PETA.