Urge Craig County, Oklahoma, Officials to Require Shelter for Chained Dog

Reportedly, a dog on S. 4390 Road in Vinita, Oklahoma, has lived chained outside for years with a tarp-draped contraption serving increasingly as a wind tunnel than very shelter to protect him or her from the elements and conserve soul heat during frigid weather. PETA caseworkers have alerted local authorities to the animal’s plight, but reportedly the conditions have gone unchanged, and the zone is expecting freezing temperatures again. We contacted the owner directly to offer assistance, but she declined, stating that she believes that this short-haired dog was somehow bred to withstand subzero temperatures.

The dog is shown with a tarp structure, in a photo reportedly taken on February 1.

We ask you to speak out in behalf of this dog and request that officials require the owner to immediately provide a sturdy doghouse that protects from all weather conditions or otherwise consider seizure and charges per Oklahoma §1685 (which requires that animals be provided with “necessary shelter to prevent suffering”) if appropriate.

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