The compilation of 15 humorous child videos presented on the YouTube platform will cheer up your entire day. YouTube serves up adorable footage of toddlers expressing hilarious thoughts that also features entertaining moments of kid adventures and their unusual reactions.
Adults will smile at the laughter of babies hearing silly sounds and the daring sass of kids and the comic playground mishaps which prosaic nature brings only laughter.
Users enjoy viewing three viral icons from the internet: “Charlie Bit My Finger” featuring the bite incident and also “The Giggling Baby Twins” along with kids providing misconstrued answers to normal test questions. These humorous videos strengthen both parents' and teachers' spirits because they present genuine kid humor to viewers who need occasional cheering up.
10+ Funny Kids Videos on YouTube 2025
A considerable lot of the viral recordings piling up great many perspectives online simply aren't ideal for youngsters, be it due to unseemly language or on the grounds that the humor of the video depends on stuff kids just wouldn't be aware of. There are, be that as it may, a few extraordinary viral children recordings on the web.
1: Funny Kid Fails By FailArmy
FailArmy is back and doing what they specialize in with this amusing accumulation video of conventional children screwing up in remarkable ways. On the off chance that you like watching charming children do truly senseless stuff, this is for you. You can definitely relax; no one got injured. aside from injured pride, that is.
2: Funny Babies At The Zoo
Children and creatures are quite often a triumphant mix. This gathering video is an assortment of young children having close experiences with the collective of animals at their neighborhood zoos.
These recordings are charming, no one gets injured, and every one makes you unexpectedly foster another appreciation for extremely amazing glass windows.
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Additionally, who else had no idea how frequently lions attempt to eat children at the zoo? It happens a stunning number of times on the off chance that this video is to be accepted.
3: Babies laughing & Funny Kids
In the event that you really want a shot in the arm, stop what you are doing right this moment and watch this video. The title says everything: It's only ten minutes of charming children giggling and being lovable. Unadulterated euphoria!
4: The Mean Kitty Song
It's no mishap SMP Movies' "The Mean Kitty Melody" has above and beyond 22 million perspectives; the video's blend a cute cat and an infectious tune has prompted web gold. The way that "The Mean Kitty Melody" is so interesting and totally appropriate for youngsters makes the video even more unique.
5: Mixed Nuts
Filipino-American video blogger Christine Gambito made her video "Blended Nuts" to assist show the world how insane managing her family could now and again be. In the video, Gambito, who goes by the web-based persona Blissful Slip, returns home soon after seeing a terrifying car crash and attempts to tell, her mom, her dad and her auntie about it.
She never will recount the story, however, on the grounds that her relatives (each additionally played by Gambito in various outfits and hairpieces) continue to add to switch up the conversation. The humor of the clean and exceptionally entertaining video hit home for some on the Web, collecting it more than 4 million perspectives.
6: Potter Puppet Pals in "The Mysterious Ticking Noise
The Potter Manikins (manikin variants of the Harry Potter works of art Severus Snape, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Dumbledore, and Hermione) all hear a ticking commotion.
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Furthermore, as opposed to attempt to figure out the wellspring of that ticking sound, they utilize the tedious clamor as a metronome to break into self-involved melody.
The odd, fun video takes a rather dim turn towards the end, however the fairly entertaining (and somewhat famous, at very nearly 65 million perspectives) video is as yet perfect for youngsters and grown-ups the same.
7: Laughing Baby
This viral video is a web exemplary and is one of the most seen recordings on YouTube ever (at north of 87 million perspectives). It's one of the most straightforward recordings too; a Swedish dad continues making bizarre commotions, provoking his child, the cute William Nilsson, to chuckle in his weird, profound voiced-for-a-child giggle.
The general humor of the video lies in this effortlessness and makes it appropriate for the most youthful of children the entire way to somebody as old as, say, the Sovereign of Britain, who was shown the video in 2008.
8: Strange Faces and Noises I Can Make III
Brandon Hardesty is an exceptionally entertaining jokester and entertainer whose work on the web has been lauded by The Town Voice. However, in the event that Hardesty's time-sharpened ability is his comedic acting, his characteristic gift is to make ludicrously silly appearances.
Also, in the web exemplary, "Weird Faces and Commotions I Can Make III," Hardesty does exactly that and the subsequent video has the absolute most entertaining clamors and faces you will at any point see.
9: My Webcam
At the point when Tune Oliveria got another webcam that made a few interesting impacts, such as putting mustaches, whiskers, and caps regarding its matter, she chose to record a video showing that off and set it up on YouTube.
Does one really don't know whether when she was recording that basic demo, Oliveria realized her video was going to be a viral sensation?
10: Charlie Bit My Finger - Again!
Recipe for viral video uber hit: two cute children, 1 camera, mix delicately. Siblings Harry and Charlie, two lovable children hailing from the Unified Realm, are improbable stars of one of the most watched recordings on the web, of all time.
The young men's dad put a camera down to record them doing entertaining stuff. Also, from the start, they oblige. However at that point Charlie, a getting teeth child kid, clamps down unforgiving with Harry's finger.
What's more, as Harry's giggling goes to tears, a grin comes over our countenances these are only two charming children being totally and completely genuine.
11: Numa Numa
One of only a handful of exceptional hybrids from the standard Top 20 Viral Recordings list. The video's maker and star, overweight and peculiar web superstar Gary Brolsma, taped himself chiming in to Moldovan pop gathering O-Zone's tune "Dragostea Clamor Tei."
The mix of the unquestionably unusual melody and Brolsma's strange dance moves made the video a moment web impression that has brought forth a few imitators, yet nothing beats the first.
12: Fred Goes Swimming
In "Fred Swims," Nebraska youngster Lucas Cruikshank plays Fred Figglehorn, a 6-year-old kid loaded up with sufficient energy to control the Eastern Seaboard. By accelerating the video, Fred is given an "Alvin and the Chipmunks" style voice and his development look like an old Buster Keaton quiet film.
Thus, when you set up that multitude of components and toss the entire wreck into a youngster pool in Cruikshank's lawn, you have viral video sorcery.
13: The Original Cuppycake Video
We as a whole realize that children say the best things. In any case, did you know. they SING the best things as well? Essentially that is the situation with then 3-year-old Amy Palace, who, in 1994, recorded the odd however cute "The Cuppycake Tune." Be ready to chuckle, grin and boisterously shout out.
14: Asian Backstreet Boys
For what reason are these two Chinese folks, wearing matching Houston Rockets b-ball shirts and headbands, lip synchronizing to the Backstreet Young men's hit melody "I Like It As such"?
Continue to watch. your inquiries will rapidly disseminate as your giggling sets in — this video, by the Back Residence Young men (Wei and Huang Yixin), is one of the most clever on the web.
15: Canon Rock
How could it be that an exhibition of Pachelbel's Ordinance one of the most seen viral recordings ever? Indeed, you can thank the South Korean teen guitar sensation Lim Jeong-Hyun's blasting weighty metal version of the tune. Jeong-Hyun, who goes by the web-based pseudonym fun two, conveys the products over the most shaking 5 minutes and 20 seconds you will view as on the web.
FAQ's - 15 Funny Kid Videos on YouTube 2025
What videos are made for kids on YouTube?
As per direction from the FTC, assuming your video has entertainers, characters, exercises, games, tunes, stories, or other topic that mirrors a plan to kids target youngsters, it's probable "made for youngsters." On the off chance that not, it's far-fetched that your substance should be set apart as "made for".
Is t OK for kids to make YouTube videos?
YouTube doesn't permit kids younger than 13 to make their own channels or records, and youngsters between ages 13 and 17 are simply permitted to open them with parental authorization.
Is Roblox safe for kids?
Roblox has an ESRB-doled out rating of T for High schooler, with a Substance Descriptor for Different Substance: Caution Prompted, and Intuitive Components incorporating Clients Connect and In-Application Buys.
Does YouTube allow 18+ videos?
Age-confined recordings are not visible to clients who are under 18 years old or endorsed out. Age-limited recordings can't be watched on most outsider sites. On the off chance that a video on another site has an age limitation, the watcher will be taken to YouTube. To watch it, they'll have to sign in and be more than 18.
Is YouTube secure from hackers?
Notwithstanding safeguards, there's dependably a gamble of being hacked. Assuming that occurs, it's vital to move quickly to alleviate the harm and recuperate your record. Look at What to Do In the event that Your YouTube Channel is Hacked for a bit by bit guide on the most proficient method to recuperate your record and safeguard it from programmers later on.
Why can't my 13 year old create a YouTube channel?
You should be something like 13 years of age to utilize the Help; nonetheless, offspring, all things considered, may utilize the Help and YouTube Children (where accessible) whenever empowered by a parent or lawful watchman. Assuming you are under 18, you address that you have your parent or watchman's authorization to utilize the Help.