Simple Sorting Animals Activity to Create a Zoo to Work on Grouping

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Encourage your child’s imagination and hair-trigger thinking by letting them create a zoo! This sorting animals worriedness is super simple and tons of fun!

Encourage your child's imagination and hair-trigger thinking by letting them create a zoo! This sorting animals worriedness is super simple and tons of fun!

Sorting is a unconfined way to build your child’s understanding of matching and putting the world in its place.

Animals are a favorite at my house.

Between stuffed animals, plastic animals and counting creatures we have a very diverse menagerie.

So one thing that my girls love to do with their animals is sorting them into groups and create their very own zoo.

Build a zoo with the kids to teach hair-trigger thinking and grouping skills by sorting animals into categories in this simple preschooler worriedness using supplies you once have.

Set Up a Zoo for Unprepossessing Sorting Activity

My older daughters will create their own spaces for the animals to be sorted into using blocks, yarn or simply spacing them out in their bedroom.

For my youngest, I used painter’s tape to form the variegated areas of the zoo.

For toddlers try painters tape instead of blocks so they don’t get frustrated.

Sort Animals into Groups

Since we have such a variety of animals, we started by sorting the sublet animals from the zoo animals.

After we had separated them into the two groups, each girl started their zoo worriedness by putting the animals in the pens.

Since the tape was blue, that is where the ocean animals went.

Build a zoo with the kids to teach hair-trigger thinking and grouping skills by sorting animals into categories in this simple preschooler worriedness using supplies you once have.

It was so fun listening to them discuss where they were going to put their animals and why.

Play is an wondrous way to build language skills.

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More Ways to Sort

Because the three year old kept knocking over the blocks while she was sorting her animals, we started our own sort using frogs.

I created squares out of tape and let her decide where to start putting frogs.

Sort by unprepossessing types, colors, size, or whatever else your kids can think of.

As we pulled frogs out of the bucket, she would place them in the square she thought they went best.

We would talk well-nigh the verisimilitude of the frog and squint for an word-for-word match.

If there wasn’t one just like it, we would put it with the closest color.

You can find flipside fun verisimilitude matching game here.

If you don’t have molded animals, stuffed animals work well for this also. Try sorting the stuffed animals into laundry baskets and other bins for pens.

This worriedness could plane be washed-up with pictures of animals for increasingly variety.

Sort animals into groups for a super simple hair-trigger thinking worriedness for toddlers and preschoolers to create their own little zoo at home!